2oo4 | LozeRz | StAr ShOtS | PiCs | PiCtUrEs | ClIcK mE | bOO | cRazeD | GuestBOOk+ | cOntaCT mE | BanDs

Hi, enjoy yourself..

Hi, my name is Danielle (I won't tell you my full name for safety :) ) I go to O.G.H.S and yes, I'm just a little Freshman. I am 15 and a half. Have a good time at my site. There are many pictures of 8th grade in here. Those where the days.. (My most recents pictures are on the 2004 page!)

this is me!!! >>

i will try and update this page with new photos as soon as i can...


tell me how you like this piece of crap!!

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